Email Access

Email Access

Get access to your Mt. Rose appointed email address.
Now with your new email address, you can send correspondence, network email folders, sync email; calendar; and contact data.
Never deal with multiple email clients again, with out-of-sync content and information. All your data stays in one place, accessible at all times.

If you don’t have proper credentials, please see your network administrator

DropBox Access

DropBox Access

Gain access to networked files, organized to meet your data needs.
Need certain images for your presentation? Possibly share images across departments.
Need to share large information with other departments and leaders?
Upload your content to your web drive based on your access.

If you don’t have proper credentials, please see your department leader

Keeping you connected with keys to the City

Subsonic Choir Access

Choir Access

Member of the Choir or Music Department?
Need to rehearse songs or share your thoughts through the social network?

This access will equip you with the Christian song selections you need. You can listen to music, chat with other choir members, stream music to your mobile device, and view lyrics.
You can even listen to created playlist by your Minister of Music!

If you don’t have proper credentials, please see your department leader

Administrative Access

Administrative Access

Restricted Access
No further information









Submit Announcements, check your schedule and upcoming events, log into your Web Store access, and more. If you are apart of the Media Department, this is where it happens!

If you don’t have proper credentials, please speak with your Network Administrator